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Respite Care During the Holidays

Caregiving alone is a full-time job that requires a lot of focus, concentration, care and patience. Add Christmas in the mix & it is easy to become overwhelmed.

Add the normal day to day hustle of errands, paying bills and taking the kids to school, suddenly you have two full-time jobs. With the holidays approaching, the flood of running around increases, the house needs decorating. shopping needs to be done and all the other joys of the holidays that come up can take a toll on you & your loved ones. Doing it all at some point will no doubt cause added stress and anxiety. This can have a negative impact on your and your family, which reduces the quality of care for your senior loved one. One solution is to seek respite or relief care. No one can or should attempt to do everything on their own. Asking for help from friends and family members only improve the overall care of seniors. From a visit to a coffee shop with a friend for a much-needed break or getting your shopping done, to getting away for the day or taking a vacation, respite care really is the secret to better seniors home care. Better care can help seniors live longer and more fulfilled lives. When helping hands are not available through friends and family it might be time to contact a professional caregiver.

10 top things to look for in a professional caregiver

  • Are they qualified?

  • Are they experienced?

  • Are they licensed?

  • Are they insured?

  • What hours are available?

  • Are they prepared for any potential emergencies?

  • What sort of scheduling requirements are there?

  • Are there support systems in place?

  • Are they qualified & experienced to serve seniors with chronic illnesses such as Cancer, Alzheimer's, Dementia & Parkinson's?

  • Do they treat their clients with the care, dignity and respect they deserve?

Some family caregivers seeking respite care may consider hiring someone from online or paper advertisements. Unfortunately, many of these ads are done by people who have the focus of making a few extra dollars on the side and not senior's care. Caring for someone can be a difficult and challenging task, especially if there are any chronic health concerns to take into account. Take the time to ask our top ten questions, demand evidence of the answers and accept no compromises when it comes to your loved one's care. Pacific Coast Health Services has been supporting family caregivers in Victoria, BC & the surrounding areas since 1993. Our qualified nurses and caregivers are available 24/7 - 365 days a year, regardless of your loved one's ailments or abilities. We are qualified, experienced, fully licensed, insured and our goal is to provide the very best in senior's care at all times.

Contact Pacific Coast Health Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - 365 days a year for a free in-home healthcare assessment. Call (250) 389-0202 or Email


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